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Snowy River News and Media


Snowy River Still No Flows

GEG Media Release
​Time for a Snowy River environmental audit
15 May 2019
Snowy River below Guthega Dam, Kosciuszko National Park. Photo L.Crisp

Vandalism': NSW gives way on Snowy oversight as wild rivers flow briefly again

'Vandalism': NSW gives way on Snowy oversight as wild rivers flow briefly again

An expert panel recommended as far back as 1998 to remove an aqueduct that would have restored partial natural flows on the Gungarlin River, left. 

The AGE December 8, 2017 

Gungarlin River Kosciusko National Park, flowing below weir 5th Oct 2017. Photo: L. Crisp

Gungarlin River, KNP. Dry river bed below weir since 1965 Photo: L. Crisp

SNOWY HYDRO. Don't turn off Snowy Rivers

Gungarlin River below the weir.jpg

The NSW Government plans to scrap the independent Snowy Scientific Committee (SSC), the only independent scientific body advising on environmental flows for the Snowy River and other rivers affected by the Snowy Scheme.
GEG Media Release April 2014

Gungarlin River below the weir. Photo L.Crisp

Snowy River video 2014 - Youtube

Upper Snowy River 2014

 VIDEO: The Snowy River is a dry river bed in Kosciosko National Park, with much of its water diverted west to the Murray Darling Basin for irrigation. There are four dams on the Snowy River, part of the Snowy Hydro-electric scheme, and scheduled environmental flows have not been released.​

Guthega Power Station 2012 - Video

Guthega Power Station 2012

VIDEO: Guthega power station in New South Wales, Australia, generates power for Snowy Hydro. This video explains the effects of the power station on the Snowy River Station.

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