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Fire News and Media and Events

Feathers to the flames.jpg

Feathers to the flames

by Louise Crisp

"We won’t stand by as this critically endangered population is driven to extinction."

Published in VNPA PARK WATCH June 2024 

YRNP-grandma-tree-24-05-24 Photo Forest Conservation Victoria

Send a message today: Stop Works. Protect Greater Glider homes

FFMV must put down their chainsaws and stop cutting down hollow-bearing trees in the Yarra Ranges National Park.These works must cease until a proper ecological assessment is done.

Send your elected leaders a message today.
VNPA May 2024

Sign the petition: Stop broadscale burning of native forest

Sign the petition: Stop broadscale burning of native forest

Evidence shows that this approach is not only damaging to the climate, human health, and the environment but is also ineffective in reducing bushfire risk.
Petition to Minister for the Environment, Victoria

FFMV plan to burn 11,000 hectares of Glossy Black Cockatoo critical habitat

Forest up in Smoke
Forest Fire Management Victoria, (FFMV) plan to burn 11,000 hectares of Glossy Black Cockatoo critical habitat in East Gippsland over the next 3 years, 2024 – 2026.
Lakes Post 22 May 2024

Blue dots indicate planned burns for the next three years in Victoria Source- FFMV cop

Bushfire response branded 'excessive' 
There’s nothing normal about a confronting map showing hundreds of planned burns scheduled across the state. On Thursday DEECA had scheduled 1000 burns for the next three years, including over 120 planned for the next 10 days.
Michael Dahlstrom·Yahoo News 2 May 2024

Threatened species on unceded Brabralung Country in planned burn areas

Victorian Forest Alliance citizen science team surveys

Threatened species on unceded Brabralung Country in planned burn areas

November 2023

Coming of age: research shows old forests are 3 times less flammable than those just burned The Conversation

Research shows old forests are 3 times less flammable than those just burned
We found over time, some forests “thin” themselves and become less likely to burn – and hazard-reduction burning disrupts this process.
The Conversation March 23, 2022

After the Fires. Protecting our forest refuges

After the Fires. Protecting our forest refuges
Critical areas for protecting fauna and flora affected by the 2019–20 bushfires. Analyses the impacts of the bushfires on select species. Victorian National Parks Association
15 June 2021

Fury Over Planned Burns DEWLP Bairnsdale Photo Lisa Roberts

Fury Over Planned Burns 
A protest outside Bairnsdale DELWP has halted a planned burn at Trident Arm in Lake Tyers State Park
Lakes Post May 2021

Derek Hayes at the site of a recent planned burn at the Mitchell River National Park, in G

Like the fires never happened: Residents alarmed at Gippsland burns
“This is vandalism and it makes me wild. So many old trees burning up. And when the scrub grows back thick after the burn, you won’t be able to walk through here.” Gunai Bidwell man Derek Hayes visited Mitchell River National Park after the latest planned burns.
Miki Perkins THE AGE April 13, 2021

Cape Conran Coastal Park, the Marlo-Conran roadside Photo Lisa Roberts 2020

Conservation watchdog investigates: Is bushfire tree removal 'overzealous'?

“We fear that demands from industry for salvage logging of burnt public forests is already happening under the guise of road clearing operations.”

Miki Perkins THE AGE March 5, 2020

Community Rally at DELWP Bairnsdale for greater protection of biodiversity in planned burns

Community Rally at DELWP Bairnsdale for greater protection of biodiversity in planned burns
A crowd gathered outside the Bairnsdale DELWP office to protest at the failure to protect threatened species and ecosystems from the impact of planned burns.
May 2018

Community perspectives on Government fire policy

Community perspectives on Government fire policy
With Wayne Thorpe Gunnai Custodian, Dr David Cheal, the community view from the ground showing impacts on Parks and Reserves and Peter Gardner, planned burns and climate change

Bairnsdale August 2017

Providence Ponds Fauna and Flora Reserve - threatened New Holland mouse incinerated

Providence Ponds Fauna and Flora Reserve - threatened New Holland mouse incinerated

In early May, the site of a colony of the rare New Holland Mouse was incinerated in a fuel reduction burn. Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning  and Forest Five Management Victoria  carried out the burn in the Providence Ponds Flora and Fauna Reserve west of Bairnsdale.

03 May 2017

Open letter: Nowa Nowa- Nelsons Rd Burn 2BNN0029 – request pause and review

Open letter: Nowa Nowa- Nelsons Rd Burn 2BNN0029 – request pause and review

Gippsland Environment Group is very concerned about a scheduled burn due to be ignited in East Gippsland along the Ramsar listed Lake Tyers downstream of the township of Nowa Nowa 

08 March 2017

Fire and Biodiversity Forum Bairnsdale 2015

Fire and Biodiversity Forum 

A public forum on fire to discuss various aspects of fire management including biodiversity loss, forest type, age, fire severity, climate change and public safety, as well options for future management.

Bairnsdale 12 March 2015

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