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FFMV Incinerating Gliders Mt Alfred State Forest

24 March 2024

​FFMV now destroying, incinerating, endangered Greater Glider habitat in old growth forest – Wattle Creek Tk, Kill Me Dead Tk, Brabralung Country, East Gippsland. 

DEECA, FFMV’s boss have all the official survey reports – Greater Gliders properly surveyed and documented in late 2023. Somehow FFMV with their “partner” in this idiocy, the inexplicably still exisiting VicForests are exempt from all State and Federal environmental and biodiversity regulations or laws.

Above: Greater Gliders surveyed 2023 Kill Me Dead Tk, Wattle Creek Tk, Brabralung Country – now FFMV Plan Burn area. 


Go to to see the massive scale of the unscientific enormously costly and destructive burns across Victoria.

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