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Activists defy Victoria's new anti-protest timber laws, as rules punishing peaceful protests comes into effect

May 2023

Activists have defied what they say is are "draconian" Victorian laws, taking to different bush areas statewide to survey for protected species on the same day the legislation came into effect.


Gippsland Environment Group, Friends of Bats and Habitat Gippsland and GECO were out surveying for Glossy Black Cockatoos & their key food source, Black She-oak cones in Colquhoun (Boyanga Gidi) State Forest near Lakes Entrance, GunaiKurnai Country. Glossy Blacks are one of the most threatened species of cockatoo in Australia. 

Photos: Black she-oaks and chewed sheoak cones in Boyanga Gidi, showing evidence of the presence of Glossy Black cockatoos.

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