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Gippsland Environment Group Inc. was incorporated in 2006

Gippsland Environment Group Inc. has been advocating for the protection and restoration of the Gippsland Lakes, its catchment rivers and forest ecosystems for over 18 years.


Current issues include the Stockman copper and zinc mine on the Tambo River headwaters, Snowy River environmental flows, logging and inappropriate planned burns.

Statement of Purposes of the Association


  • To promote conservation values and environmental understanding​


  • To raise awareness of the threats Gippsland environment faces


  • To promote environmental, social and economic sustainability


  • To lobby government & organisations on local environmental issues


  • To carry out relevant research and work


  • To network with individuals and groups with similar objectives


Bung Yarnda old growth forest. Photo Lisa Roberts 2021

Bung Yarnda old growth Photo Lisa Roberts April 2021-DSC_0565.jpg
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